Sunday, 12 October 2014

SQL Interview questions ,Queries, with answers

1)Display all rows and all columns of emp table?
Ans:Select * from emp;
2) Display any 2 columns of emp table?
Ans:Select ename,deptno from emp;
3) Calculate annual salary with Quarterly commission of 500
Ans:select  sal *12=4*500 fom emp;
4)   Display distinct salaries of all the employees
Ans:select distsal from emp;
5) Display output as following,
      "Hello SMITH your salary is 5000"
Ans:select “hello” || ename || your salary is || 5000 from emp;
6) Display all the employees whose name starts with 'S'
Ans:select * from emp where ename like “S%”;
7) List the employees name having letter 'L' as the second character?
Ans:select * from emp where ename like “-L%”;
8) List the employees name having 'E' as last but one character?
Ans:select * from emp where  ename like “%E-“;
9) List the employees name having exactly 4 letters?
Ans:select * from emp where ename like “----“;
10) List the employee whose name is having letter 'L'?
Ans:select * from emp where ename like “%L%”;
11) List the employees name having atleast 5 characters?
Ans:select * from emp where length(ename)=5;
12) List employees earning between 2000 and 3000
Ans:select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;
13) List emp who do not have any reporting manager or commision is Null?
Ans:select * from emp where comm Is null;
14) List emp who do not have any reporting manager AND commision is Null?
Ans:Select * from emp where comm is null and mgr is null;
15) List only managers ?
Ans: select * from emp where job='MANAGER';
16) List managers working in dept 10 and 20?
ANS: select * from emp where deptno in (10,20) and job ='MANAGER';
17) List all the clerks and analysts with salary atleast 1000 in dept 20 and 30
Ans: select * from emp where deptno in (20,30) and sal >=1000 and job in ('CLERKS','ANALYST');
18) List the employees in dept 20 and 30 who get no commission?
Ans: select * from emp where deptno in (20,30) and comm is null;
19) List employees whose name starts with either 'A' or 'S' in dept 20?
Ans: select * from emp where ename like 'A%' or ename like 'S%';
20) List all the employee whoes name does not end with 'S' in dept 20 and 30?
Ans: select * from emp where deptno in (20,30) and ename not like '%S';
21) List the employees who are getting some commision with sal > 1500 in dept 30?
Ans:select*  from emp where deptno in (20,30) and comm>0 and sal>1500;
22) List emp working as managers and clerks with Salary atleast 2000 except in dept 10 and 20?
Ans:select * from emp where  deptno in (20,30) and job in ('MANAGER','CLERKS') and sal>=2000;
23) List emp who get commission?
Ans: select * from emp where comm is not NULL;
24)  List employees in all dept whose salary not in the range of 2000 to 3000 with the job which is having a string called 'MAN'
Ans: select * from emp where job like 'MAN' and sal not between 2000 and 3000;
25)  List employees whose name having 4 characters
Ans: select * from emp where length(ename)=4;
26) List employees whose job is having 7 characters?
Ans: select * from emp where length(job)=7;
27) Find out howmany times letter 'S' occurs in 'qspiders'?
28) List the employees whose job is having last 3 characters as 'man'?
Ans: select * from emp where job like'%MAN';
29) List employees whose job is having first 3 characters as 'man'?
Ans: select * from emp where job like'MAN%';
30) Display all the names whose name is having exactly 1 'L'?
Ans: select * from emp where ename like'%L%';
31) Display dept names which are having letter 'O'?
Ans: select ename,dname from emp,dept where dname like '%O%';
32) Display the output as shown below,
   Scott working as a clerk earns 3000 in dept 20?
33) Display employees who earn odd numbered salaries?
Ans: select ename,sal,sal/2 from emp where sal/2 like'%%';
34) Display number of employees getting NULL comission.?
Ans: select * from emp where comm is null;
35) Display total sal and comm drawn by dept 30?
36) Count number of clerks in dept 10 and 20?
Ans: select count(*) from emp where deptno in (10,20) and job='CLERKS';
37) List Department wise total salary?
Ans: SQL> select ename,sal,deptno,sal*12 from emp order by deptno;
38) List department wise total sal only if the total sal is > 3000?
Ans: selct ename,sal,deptno,sal*12 from emp where sal*12>3000;
39) Display job wise total salary excluding dept 30 only if the total salary is > 5000?
Ans: select ename,sal,deptno,sal*12 from emp where deptno <>30 and sal*12>5000 order by job;
40) Display job wise max sal only for managers, clerks, salesman working in dept 10 and 20. Sort the data by des order of the max salary?
41) Display job wise number of employees in all the department with total salary > 9000?
Ans: select count(ename),count(sal),count(sal*12),count(deptno) from emp where sal*12>9000;
42)  Display the department number having atleast 4 employees in it?
Ans: select * from emp where deptno in(20,30);
43) Display the department having only saleman in it?
Ans: select * from emp where job ='SALESMAN' and deptno in(10,20,30);
44) Calculate number of L in string 'HELLLLL'?
Ans: select instr('HELLLL','L','1','2')
45) Display all the employees whose job has a string 'MAN'?
Ans: select * from emp where instr(job,'MAN')>=1;
46) Display all the employees whose job starts with string 'MAN'?
Ans: select * from emp where instr(job,'MAN')=1;
47) Display all the employees whose job ends with string 'MAN'?
Ans: select * from emp where instr(job,'MAN')>1;
48) Display first 3 characters of ename in lower case and rest everything in upper case.?
Ans: select ename,concat(lower(substr(ename,1,3)),upper(substr(ename,4))) from emp;
49) Display the result from emp table as below. SMITH is a CLERK and gets salary 2000 ?
Ans: SQL> SELECT Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(ename,' working as a '), job),' earns '), sal),'  in '),'dept '), deptno) AS text FROM emp;


  1. dat day we had provision to see 232 queries but now only 49 queries

  2. 27) Find out how many times letter 'S' occurs in 'qspiders'?
    Ans: select length('qspiders')-length(replace('qspiders','s','')) from dual;

  3. 3) Calculate annual salary with Quarterly commission of 500
    Ans:select sal , (4*(sal*3+500)) as "anl sal with qtr comm 500" from emp

  4. 30) Display all the names whose name is having exactly 1 'L'?
    Ans: select ename from emp where (length(ename)-length(replace(ename,'L')))=1;

  5. List all the salesman in Dept 30

  6. list the employees hired on a leap year
