Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Selenium interview questions

Interview questions -
write a sel prgm to check for a particular country and select the country from a country dropdown menu
write a java prgm to reverse the string "Namratha V"
Wht is the command to open a new browser in seenium
Wha is Upcasting ?
Hierarchy of webdriver classes and interfaces
Why interfaces?
framework explanation
which type of framework ? why ?
2nd Round
Manual Testing
1) About Project
2) which is the defect which you r proud of ? Explain
3) Roles and Responsibilities
Final Technical Round
1) WAp to read from Excel file
2) Wap to multiselect from a list using actions class
3) Difference between Throw and throws
4) Inheritance,Polymorphism encapsulation
5) Framework explanation
6) Difference between array and arraylist
7) Diff b/w String and StringBuffer
8) Pop Ups
9) Profiles in Firefox
10) handling frames in selenium
11) collections lists - java

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